Please click on the link. I promise it is the funniest thing on the face of this planet. Well, of two things have to happen. We either stop masturbating...or petition God to kill something else when we do.
Let me start by saying that I enjoy your postings and I respect your ability to get your particular point of view across without attacking individuals or degrading them or appearing mean spirited etc. and so on... But anyways I'm just curious about something. I wrote an article about the Boy Scouts of America and a particular chapter's decision to kick out a retarded boy. You took the time to read it and respond and I thank you for that. Your response was a question about whether or not...
I did something yesterday. After one and a half years of wandering aimlessly through the human wasteland that is a midwestern university's campus, I finally did something yesterday. Yesterday, I walked into a large, unstable looking building called University Hall. I stepped into the elevator looking to go to the 19th floor. I failed to notice that the elevator was on its way down. I went to the basement and remained in the elevator. The elevator returned to the first floor. The people ...
Due to the sad state of affairs that I witnessed today at a midwestern university's campus, I feel compelled to post a friendly reminder to everyone who may have forgotten the proper decorum for walking, despite the fact that they do it every day, unless they're monstrously fat, or lazy, or a quadraplegic, or some other business like that. 1) Neither I, nor any one else, is looking at your girlfriend. She's not that hot, and no one has any interest in checking out her ass. 2) Neither I, n...
It is months after the election. It is over. It has passed. The horse lost. The monkey won. WHY CAN'T ANYONE LET IT END??? If I have to hear anyone else make broad blanket statements about how evil conservatives are, or about how misguided liberals are, or about how stupid conservatives are, or about how presumptious conservatives are, or about how hillbilly conservatives are, or about how elitist liberals are, I am going to scream. If you absolutely have to, please comment on the ...
In a brief attempt to make this world better, I would like to suggest some reforms. Any and all Muslim individuals who wish to fly anywhere will have to thoroughly searched before boarding a plane. I'm sorry if this seems racist or intolerant, but let's face it, they are the ones who blow up airplanes. I mean, forget the fact that it is the small minority of crazed fundamentalists who blows up airplanes, because we cannot tell what they look like right away. Because of this small setback, ...
I was thinking about my childhood the other day, about my past in general, and I realized that I really cannot recall anything happening to me before I was about six years old. It seems clear enough that things did happen to me, my parents have the photo albums to prove it, but in this day and age, knowing what I do about technology, and being completely ignorant of my childhood, all of those photographs might as well have been Photoshopped. Look, there's me with daddy on a go kart, a...
It has finally happened. Sophomore year, semester one, has finally ended. A recap: 9 AM (Monday, Wednesday) I sit motionless in a lecture hall, listening to a fascinating speech about sociology. It is when I am writing sentences like the previous one that I truly wish computers had a sarcasm button. Anyways, sociology has got to be my least favorite subject to hear about. It's not that it is difficult, it's that the whole damn thing should be renamed Stating the Obvious 101. My textbook h...
Alright, so this one's more for the women, but all comments are welcome. It seems that every female that I speak to finds Carson Daly incredibly, fantastically, magnetically appealing. They like his "personality" and they like his looks. They like him! I can't even begin to start convincing myself to think that maybe this man is attractive in some way. Not only do I find him visually average, I don't even see why he has a career. If there is marketable talent somewhere in him, it is hid...
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I am not perfect. Sometimes, I make mistakes. Yesterday, I made a mistake. I thought about sleeping. It was shortly after I had woken up. For some reason, it just popped into my head. I thought, hmm, I've been asleep for the past 6 hours. I don't know what happened in those 6 hours. I don't remember the moment falling asleep. I can't even remember why I woke up. How did I wake up? I don't know about you, but voluntarily detaching myself from the planet for 5-8 hours a night is somewhat...
I've read a couple of news articles in the past couple of days that have brought up some mixed feelings in me. Over the last 48 hours, I have read about a man that was cleared of drunk driving charges, and another who received a verdict of not guilty for the murder of his father. The reason these two men were not found guilty is that they claimed to be sleepwalking when they committed their respective crimes. Now, I can understand and agree with the fact that if you are sleepwalking, ...
Link Well, the link is there, and its funny, but I've become so jaded by my months of blogging that unless it has something to do with Bush clubbing baby seals as reported by the BBC, I don't think enough of you will click on it, nor will enough of you be back here to complain about the bias. So then, a quick recap of the angry bed positions: 1) "The 11." The two parties lay rigidly on complete opposite sides of the bed. 2) "The K." One party lays rigidly, while the other turns aw...
Link Well, you all know me by now, tirelessly seeking to enlighten humankind, callously ignoring any and all reference to my own personal well-being, constantly in search of information that will make everyone's life more enjoyable. Today, I bring you condoms. You're welcome. Just a slight mention of the new and exciting technology that are being introduced in the condom field. 1) The vibrating condom. 2) The ice condom. 3) The musical condom. Hmm...interesting, isn't it? Tech...
Alright, it appears that certain people want to play a little game. That's fine. Philomedy loves games. Let's play. I will now bring forth a series of questions, which I want answered completely, without the use of the Bible as a reference. Although it should be clear that I am writing this as a response to a specific article (and we all know what that article is), everyone should feel free to play. Games are fun, after all. So here goes: 1) Prove God exists. (without citing the...