philomedy's Articles In Misc » Page 2
March 13, 2005 by philomedy
Alright, it appears that certain people want to play a little game. That's fine. Philomedy loves games. Let's play. I will now bring forth a series of questions, which I want answered completely, without the use of the Bible as a reference. Although it should be clear that I am writing this as a response to a specific article (and we all know what that article is), everyone should feel free to play. Games are fun, after all. So here goes: 1) Prove God exists. (without citing the...
March 9, 2005 by philomedy
So, after all these months of discussion and laughter, I feel it is finally time to put a face with the viewpoints. This is me. Nice to meet you.
March 8, 2005 by philomedy
I've been trying for the past week to get my picture up on the site, and I can't. Can someone help me out here?
January 17, 2005 by philomedy
My shower is rebel. A happy, healthy shower has that little stick thing that you pull on to make the water go from the faucet to the showerhead. A happy, healthy shower's little stick thing does its job, continues to do its job as you bathe, and then returns to its original resting place when you are finished. My shower no longer wants any part of this. My shower has decided that its little stick thing is no longer going to stay up simply because I wish to bathe. Fine. I can deal with i...
January 15, 2005 by philomedy
I'm about to explode My insides keep getting towed from side to side by a truck that's about to run off the road When the blind lead the blind how can we ever survive A world where turbulence rewards the sum of turbulent times Why can't you understand that I'll believe what I believe and if you try to contradict me, I've a rabbit up my sleeve and he will take you through the looking glass, and lead you straight to Alice who's been drinking cya-kool-aid from a hemlock-coated chalice ...
January 14, 2005 by philomedy
I learned something sitting in class today. Not one of those factual things that you're supposed to learn in class, but something of an epiphany that had been waiting to hit me from the time I was in elementary school. Do you remember when you were in grades 1-4, and every time you felt nature calling, you would raise your hand and politely say "Can I go to the bathroom?" And do you remember the response from the teacher coming back as "I don't know, can you?" And do you remember th...
January 11, 2005 by philomedy
I did something yesterday. After one and a half years of wandering aimlessly through the human wasteland that is a midwestern university's campus, I finally did something yesterday. Yesterday, I walked into a large, unstable looking building called University Hall. I stepped into the elevator looking to go to the 19th floor. I failed to notice that the elevator was on its way down. I went to the basement and remained in the elevator. The elevator returned to the first floor. The people ...
January 10, 2005 by philomedy
Due to the sad state of affairs that I witnessed today at a midwestern university's campus, I feel compelled to post a friendly reminder to everyone who may have forgotten the proper decorum for walking, despite the fact that they do it every day, unless they're monstrously fat, or lazy, or a quadraplegic, or some other business like that. 1) Neither I, nor any one else, is looking at your girlfriend. She's not that hot, and no one has any interest in checking out her ass. 2) Neither I, n...
December 18, 2004 by philomedy
I was thinking about my childhood the other day, about my past in general, and I realized that I really cannot recall anything happening to me before I was about six years old. It seems clear enough that things did happen to me, my parents have the photo albums to prove it, but in this day and age, knowing what I do about technology, and being completely ignorant of my childhood, all of those photographs might as well have been Photoshopped. Look, there's me with daddy on a go kart, a...
September 14, 2005 by philomedy
Link Alright, so this just caught my eye as I was busy killing the three hours between my classes, and trying to put off a much-anticipated showdown with the accounts receivable department of the particular institution I attend. It seems especially fitting since my first soccer game of the new fall season is tonight at 6:30. (I'd ask you to wish me luck, but we're playing a team from the Pharmacy School. We being a contingent known as IFC, or Internationale Football Club, made up of ...
June 25, 2005 by philomedy
In light of certain problems people have been having with Natalee Holloway and boy scouts from Utah and being blacklisted, I'd like to address what I believe is a bigger problem that underlies the superficial things that most of us have been arguing about: The difference between having the right to say something and actually saying it. We live in a place where, thankfully, we reserve the right to say and write whatever we damn well please. Unfortunately, this creates a sense of entitlemen...
April 19, 2005 by philomedy
Link It seems that certain state governments are aiming at making the last half of senior year of high school more productive. I am not so far removed from this stage of my life, so I can see both positives and negatives. Obviously, the last year of high school is an easy ride for students that have taken care of their graduation requirements, and they wind up ending the year in a haze of parties and official school ceremonies. My time could certainly have been put to better use than...
April 17, 2005 by philomedy
I was watching "Bowling for Columbine" this morning. Something struck me as the movie ended with an interview of Charlton Heston, president (I think?) of the NRA. Michael Moore posed a question to Mr. Heston, who really made quite the idiot of himself by repeatedly holding gun rallies in places which had just experienced devastating examples of gun violence, but that's beyond the point. On to the question: Why does Charlton Heston, living in a gated mansion with guards, need to keep gun...
April 4, 2005 by philomedy
So I recently received word that the pope names himself. I got to thinking. I think I would name myself Pope the First, so my full title would be Pope Pope (the First), with "the First" being optional for television news anchor types. If anyone is confused as to why I would name myself Pope Pope (the First), just say Pope Pope out loud in a news anchor-y voice, and all of your questions should be answered. So, what would be your pope name?
March 27, 2005 by philomedy
I am not perfect. Sometimes, I make mistakes. Yesterday, I made a mistake. I thought about sleeping. It was shortly after I had woken up. For some reason, it just popped into my head. I thought, hmm, I've been asleep for the past 6 hours. I don't know what happened in those 6 hours. I don't remember the moment falling asleep. I can't even remember why I woke up. How did I wake up? I don't know about you, but voluntarily detaching myself from the planet for 5-8 hours a night is somewhat...