My shower is rebel.
A happy, healthy shower has that little stick thing that you pull on to make the water go from the faucet to the showerhead. A happy, healthy shower's little stick thing does its job, continues to do its job as you bathe, and then returns to its original resting place when you are finished. My shower no longer wants any part of this.
My shower has decided that its little stick thing is no longer going to stay up simply because I wish to bathe. Fine. I can deal with it. I have arms, which have muscles on them (I can't see them, but the doctors assure me they're there), and I can pull on the stick thing until it decides to stay up. Problem solved. No it's not. Because my shower is not a quitter.
Since I have proven to my shower that I have more brawn than it, it has decided to win with its brain. It is now refusing to direct the water up to the shower head. No matter how hard I pull on the stick thing, it just won't send the water up the pipe. I have tried different angles of pulling. I have wrapped a shirt around it and pulled, after my fingers could no longer take the pain of direct pressure on metal. I have rigged a sort of pulley thing using a string and a backscratcher and pulled at different angles. I have tied a rope around it and run from the room.
I have bathed with a bucket for the past 2 days. All signs point to me bathing with a bucket today as well.