Published on January 17, 2005 By philomedy In Misc
My shower is rebel.

A happy, healthy shower has that little stick thing that you pull on to make the water go from the faucet to the showerhead. A happy, healthy shower's little stick thing does its job, continues to do its job as you bathe, and then returns to its original resting place when you are finished. My shower no longer wants any part of this.

My shower has decided that its little stick thing is no longer going to stay up simply because I wish to bathe. Fine. I can deal with it. I have arms, which have muscles on them (I can't see them, but the doctors assure me they're there), and I can pull on the stick thing until it decides to stay up. Problem solved. No it's not. Because my shower is not a quitter.

Since I have proven to my shower that I have more brawn than it, it has decided to win with its brain. It is now refusing to direct the water up to the shower head. No matter how hard I pull on the stick thing, it just won't send the water up the pipe. I have tried different angles of pulling. I have wrapped a shirt around it and pulled, after my fingers could no longer take the pain of direct pressure on metal. I have rigged a sort of pulley thing using a string and a backscratcher and pulled at different angles. I have tied a rope around it and run from the room.

I have bathed with a bucket for the past 2 days. All signs point to me bathing with a bucket today as well.

on Jan 17, 2005
Maybe you could outsmart it by getting a hose and looping it from the faucet up to the shower part and improvising that way? Course, then the shwoer would probably stop working at all, and probably convince the toilet to join it's rebellion. But it might be worth the attempt
on Jan 17, 2005
Hmm...I'd try it, but knowing myself...I'd probably end up breaking the hose, or the shower...and the shower's smart, it might decide to start working the other way around and redirect the water from the head to the faucet...and it would stop the second i got the hose off...its all so much work...

buckets arent that bad...
on Jan 17, 2005 sure are committed to batheing....I'm not sure if I'd ever try "bucket-bathing", sounds like a challenge...well, if the bucket is small....maybe a 55 gallon drum would be better.

on Jan 17, 2005
I tried one bucket, but it turned out that it was too small, and I couldn't soak myself thoroughly enough. There was far too much time between bucketfuls, and the air was making me cold. I worked out a two bucket system, where one gets poured out while the other one fills.

And its not so much committal to bathing as it is committal to not being filthy
on Jan 18, 2005
What about taking a bath instead of a shower?
on Jan 18, 2005
That sounds like a real hassle. If your shower doesn't decide to behave again, maybe it's time to bring the repairman in to do his job, or was that too easy? My bad.
on Jan 18, 2005
Baths require a level of preparation and forethought that I'm not ready to approach.

As for repairmen, there is the issue of dealing with the landlord, and scheduling all that, and getting her to pay for it, and again, the whole preparation and forethought thing. I'm sure I'll get to it eventually.
on Jan 19, 2005
Baths require a level of preparation and forethought that I'm not ready to approach.

Baths rock. You don't know what you're missing.
on Jan 19, 2005
Baths require more preparations and forethought then buckets? I guess I don't take baths properly
on Jan 19, 2005
It must be the bubble bath planning
on Jan 19, 2005
Baths rock. You don't know what you're missing.

Baths require more preparations and forethought then buckets? I guess I don't take baths properly

It must be the bubble bath planning

I am aware of the "rocking" potential of baths. Mine has jets too, so it rocks moreso. Despite the therapeutic goodness, I really don't want to spend that much time in there for the purpose of getting clean. I don't really feel that baths are effective hygienically, either. I feel there must be some sort of drainage system in place to funnel the dirty water from you. Otherwise, you just sit in your own cesspool.

Hmm...I'm thinking about this far too deeply...