Alright, I gotta get on here because bashing many for the actions of a few seems to be the trendy thing to do now. And recently, this trend seems centered like a magnifying glass on minoriites, and what certain ones do.

Let me explain something to all you people that want to come on here and write your "outraged" articles and rants about how minorities cry racism and can bring lawsuits for everything and are now getting better treatment because of what they went through in the past: YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT OUTRAGE IS.

Outrage is what I, and a majority of the minority population of this nation, feel when we read the same stories that you do.

Because when you turn on the news, or buy a newspaper, and read about a minority claiming he/she was discriminated against, or suing for bad treatment that they claim was racially motivated, you see an argument, an anecdote, a point that you can make. You see a story that you can read and be angry at. You see an example of reprehensible actions. Then, you are done with it. You can leave it alone and go on with your life. It does not have to affect you. You allow it to.

You want to know what I see when I read those stories? I see a beam coming down straight across my back. I see a sword coming for my head. I am Sysiphus, and I see that Goddamn rock slipping down the hill for the 2569405th time.

Because when I see that some woman has accused an elementary school of "setting up" her child, I can't be angry and be done with it. I can't sit back and call her an idiot and go on with my life the way it was, because she has cast a shadow on me. Every year that I have walked, trying to find sunlight and fertility and hope, this fool has eradicated with one sentence. One specific set of words out of this idiot's mouth, and all of a sudden the minorities are playing the race card again, because that's what they do. And I have another 100 miles to walk.

You think you get upset when you hear Jesse Jackson open his mouth? You don't know what upset is. Upset is what happens when you realize the percentage of people that think he speaks for you.

Upset is what happens when you realize that what you see as an idiot trying to sue Wendy's for millions of dollars is seen by everyone else as a Hispanic idiot trying to sue Wendy's for millions of dollars.

Upset is what happens when some idiot afraid of her marriage tells the police that she was kidnapped by a Hispanic man, or when a mother tired of her children tells them that a Black guy killed them.

That's when upset starts.

You read the stories too, and you think that it's not right, but you have never been angry like I have. You have never been angry like the minorities involved have. Because these stories come back to us. They never leave. They inhabit us. They stain us. They tattoo us.

They stay in the back of your mind, and maybe you let them go and don't think about them, but when you see us you remember. Maybe it's only for a split second, and maybe you shake your head, and maybe you give us the benefit of the doubt because you know that not all minorities are like that. But the thought is there, and without you thinking, before you catch yourself, its what springs forth.

It's the woman that instinctively clutches her handbag when a friend of mine approaches; He just wanted to know the time.

It's the man that crosses to the other side of the street when he sees a group of us approaching; We're on our way home from tutoring second graders.

It's the police officer who stops me from walking through an alley; I am less than a block from my house.

You have never been angry like I have. You don't know what it is to feel rage. Because rage is what sets in when you realize something:

A white person who does something stupid is a person who is stupid. An idiot. Just another idiot. A minority who does something stupid is a minority who did something stupid. A minority idiot. Just another minority idiot.

That is rage.

Rage is knowing that I am a minority, and so I am not free to be stupid.

Comments (Page 6)
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on May 11, 2005
Due to a history I did not create NOR MY ANCESTORS, I am to be judged for these actions? Fine! Let the judgement begin, but rest assured I'd dig up your entire history and use it against you, as well. No 'race' has a spot-free record in history.

with rare exception, we all live in a world we never made. america (as well as most of the rest of the world to greater or lesser extent) is still caught up in the aftermath of several hundred years of very cruel racial oppression. this thread provides one more proof--as if one was needed--that things are not nearly resolved.

whether any other race has or hasn't a spotless record has no relevancy. black people didn't voluntarily travel to this continent in hopes of being treated far worse than cattle. after they were emancipated, they didn't choose to spend the next 100+ years being repressed and opressed for no other reason than the color of their skin.

i'm not saying you or your ancestors had any active part in any of that (although, unless you and they arrived here fairly recently from another planet, the situation very likely worked to your family's advantage as it generally did to all whites whether they were aware of it or not).

what i am saying is we're all stuck in this present which is a product of what happened in the past. refusing to acknowledge the fact of a problem is very much like refusing to see a doctor about an open sore that never seems to bodes badly for the future; cancer rarely goes away on its own.

as for investigating my history, please feel free. just lemme know what you find so i can check for unclaimed assets.
on May 11, 2005

I think its more that if it doesn't affect you, ignore it.....let those who are affected and such resolve it, you're just trying to get on with life,work,bills,etc...
on May 12, 2005
White Europeans stole nothing, dabe, they fought for it, conquering the original inhabitants, and won. We didnt sneak in behind their backs and steal our land. Yes, OUR land, its ours now, our ancestors shed blood for it.

and so korea should belong to japan, poland should belong to either germany or russia, tibet should belong to china and imperialism is a desirable national strategy?

white europeans and later on down the road, the american nation negotiated treaties which were broken in the name of manifest destiny; the british colonists used biological weapons of mass destruction to intentionally cause epidemics to kill off the indigenous nations; as recently as the 1870s, there was a concerted effort to wipe out the buffalo in order to starve the plains tribes into submission.

it's thievery by definition and no more ethical or honorable than home invasion robbery.
on May 12, 2005

the genocide in rwanda can be traced directly to belgian colonialism just as the slaughter in the sudan was precipitated by british colonial strategies similar to those that brought iraq into being.

between ww1 and ww2, belgium had a mandate over rwanda and used tutsi elites to enforce their policies, collect taxes and generally lord it over the hutus. following ww2, the hutus achieved enough power to control the national government. by the 90s, both sides (who'd existed peacefully prior to german/belgian colonization) were convinced the other planned to enslave them.
on May 12, 2005
.... before they ever saw a white face, doesnt fit in with your anti-white agenda. That they continue to do so, (think Rwanda) after we, as a nation, have made racial discrimination illegal is also something you probably dont like to think about.

Amazing the way you interpret what I've said as "anti-white". How the hell can I be anti-white when I myself am white, a decendent of a Eurpean immigrant. I'm just don't make racist excuses for white man's self-proclaimed dominion over every other race. And, you're so delusional to think that because I didn't drag the conversation over to what is happening in Rwanda means I "don't want to think about it." I think the fact that I even mentioned it is proof otherwise, whipsy.

think its more that if it doesn't affect you, ignore it.....let those who are affected and such resolve it, you're just trying to get on with life,work,bills,etc...

I truly don't know what the hell this means. Why would you assume that it wouldn't affect me? Why are you suggesting I should just ignore the racism that is rampant all around me, including whip's diatribe? Is that what you're suggesting? Because if that's what you're suggesting, then it's no wonder we are a racist, fucked up nation.

White Europeans stole nothing, dabe, they fought for it, conquering the original inhabitants, and won.

No wonder people in your neighborhood hate you so much that you have to be so terrified of them. With remarks like that, with an attitude like that, you bring it on, girl, with your blatant and extreme racist tendencies. It probably just eminates from you every time you step out of your house.

And its not theivery by any definition of the word.

I hate to break it to you, whipsy, but it is thievery, by every definition of the word. First steal their land and their homes. Then, steal their money, their art, their dignity, their humanity. Doesn't matter who invaded whom. It's thievery. Period.
on May 12, 2005

the practice of conquering and subjugation weren't invented or solely practiced by whites

no it wasnt invented or solely the province of white europeans.  but for the better part of the past 500 years,   europeans and later, americans did their best to exploit the darker skinned peoples of the world, using racial and cultural supremacy as their justification. the fact they were incredibly successful may have once been seen as divine approval which only encouraged more of the same.

during that time, which european nation was subjugated by colonists from africa or asia? 

during ww2, individual nazis and italian leaders were lampooned or portrayed as as evil villians  while the entire nation of japan was made to seem rabid subhumans. 

on May 12, 2005

White Europeans stole nothing, dabe, they fought for it, conquering the original inhabitants, and won. We didn't sneak in behind their backs and steal our land. Yes, OUR land, its ours now, our ancestors shed blood for it.

and so korea should belong to japan (lost), poland should belong to either germany (lost) or russia, tibet should belong to china and imperialism is a desirable national strategy?

white europeans and later on down the road, the american nation negotiated treaties which were broken in the name of manifest destiny; the british colonists used biological weapons of mass destruction to intentionally cause epidemics to kill off the indigenous nations; as recently as the 1870s, there was a concerted effort to wipe out the buffalo in order to starve the plains tribes into submission.

it's thievery by definition and no more ethical or honorable than home invasion robbery.

Your missing a key point here kingbee.... they "lost"! And BTW can you show me "where" russia conquered poland? When you take something by force and lose the battle/war you do NOT get to keep it whatever it was you took by force of arms.
on May 12, 2005
When you take something by force and lose the battle/war you do NOT get to keep it whatever it was you took by force of arms.

Tell that to Saddam when he invaded Kuwait. Tell that to the Israelis when they won the Golan Heights, Gaza and the West Bank. I guess whatever argument, sans facts, suits you, drmiler..............
on May 12, 2005
Tell that to Saddam when he invaded Kuwait.

YOU need to get your facts straight.... Saddam did NOT get to keep Kuwait did he? No because we kicked his butt out of there! Or did you forget that fact? He also didn't get to keep anything else either (more fact). He lost. Ergo he does not get to keep what he took by force. My arguement stands! Yours on the other hand just fell apart.
on May 12, 2005

The basic problem is that humans are just smart animals.  But, we haven't quite evolved enough to see that people are simply people, and the color of your skin doesn't "make" you any different.  Your actions are what make you who you are.  Yes, there are people who live a stereotype.  If that weren't the case, then there wouldn't be stereotypes.  If you don't like a certain behavior, then you should be "typist" not racist.  I have seen my fair share of white "thugs" which are no different than a black "thug" or hispanic "thug" or any other race "thug".  A thug is a thug no matter the color of their skin.  Why be racist toward one color of skin?  Why do we put skin color ahead of actions?

Until humans stop acting like animals fighting for territory and trying to be the king of the pack, we'll (as in the world) will always have these problems.  It isn't a race problem.  It isn't a US problem.  It's a human problem.  And, it's a problem that I doubt will be resolved in my lifetime.

on May 12, 2005
Phil, you are missing the point entirely. I wouldnt go out of my way to avoid you (or anyone else, for that matter) in a decent area, like a low crime suburb or a shopping mall, regardless of what they were wearing.

That was the question. Thanks.

Why any law abiding citizen feels the need to identify with these types is beyond me.

I don't identify with anything. I like a shirt. I buy it. Sorry. People who wear Nikes aren't identifying with sweatshops.

on May 12, 2005
You're not hearing me---why?(cups hands around mouth and shouts)....the lifestyle they depict in their songs is portrayed by them and their promotors as the typical inner-city black lifestyle. It's not, no, but that's the message they perpetuate, and that's the message, and a powerful one it is, that the rest of society gets.

Since you obviously get that its nothing but a creation, why don't you argue as fervently for society to recognize it for what it is as you do for the record labels to stop promoting it as they are? Your past comments all seem to lay the responsibility of combating stereotypes entirely on the shoulders of minorities. All I'm saying is that it's not an issue that one side can resolve on its own.

Most, make that all school shootings have taken place in white, suburban schools, too. If a black kid walked into his school and started shooting, he'd very likely find 15-20 other guns in his general vicinity firing back at him anyway, so what would be the point? Besides, how many school shooters have there been as opposed to the number of black criminals we see on the news every night?

Yeah, cuz all black people carry guns, right? And do you honestly expect me to believe you when you ditch your "biased media" routine when suddenly the bias supports your argument?

Once again, you're not hearing me....(cups hands around mouth again and shouts)....messages in music affect different people different ways. Stronger wills and egos aren't as easily affected as weaker, more insecure ones.

And its not the music, but whatever made those egos fragile, that causes the shootings.

Did you ask them? We did.

We were the mixed table. If you wanna come, you come.

I know we agree on Jesse Jackson, which surprised me and gives me hope, in a way.

This makes one of the points in my original article. It shouldn't surprise you. It's not that rare.
on May 12, 2005
I don't care what color you are, you're arguing from the standpoint of a young black person. If you're gonna wear the clothes, accept the judgement, right, thug?

I'm arguing against prejudice and racism and stereotypes. That shouldn't be considered the standpoint of a young black person. And if you wanna patronize me, we can play that game too, grand dragon.

If none of what happens to blacks in their community affects you in any way and you agree with much of what we've said here, why do you argue so vehemently? What's your point?

My point is that stereotypes are harmful, and that they need to stop. Whats yours?

I disagree that there is only one race on Earth. There is one dominant species, which is human, but that species is broken down into many different branches and races, each of which has its own history and cultural makeup. These, then, in turn, affect the psychological and emotional makeup of the races.

You can disagree that there's only one race, but why does it matter?
on May 12, 2005
Because you are ashamed of the accomplishments of your race. Why? Because it's considered sensitive and politically correct to burden yourself with it.

She's arguing against racism. This has nothing to do with the accomplishments of white people. No one here has mentioned any accomplishments of white people. Does that mean they're ashamed? No. It's just of no consequence here.

But we gotta live somewhere, don't we? And I refuse to feel guilty because members of my race have been successful conquerors throughout their history. Im GLAD they were. I LOVE America. They couldnt have chosen a better home for their descendants if they'd searched the entire globe.

And they solved the problem of someone already living in that home rather ingeniously, didn't they...
on May 12, 2005
My point is that stereotypes are harmful, and that they need to stop. Whats yours?

Harmful to whom? What about the well-being of some woman whose purse was NOT stolen because she clutched it close to her as a hispanic man dressed as a thug approached? Or the motorist who wasn't carjacked or killed because he didn't stop to ask for directions when he got lost in black ghetto? What about the black man who wasn't beaten within an inch of death because he saw the group of skinheads a decided to play it safe and stay away?

What about every person who WAS harmed by someone who fit a stereotype? The black and hispanic criminal, the Arab terrorist, the white racist, etc. Their safety is more important than your feelings.

Persisting stereotypes aren't typically arbitrary. They have some basis in reality. Like my submission before, think how silly one would sound if they switched around different stereotypes with different groups. The Jews are violent border jumpers stealing American jobs, The blacks are cheap and are plotting to control the world. The Orientals are lazy welfare-sucking violent criminals. Hispanics are quiet nerds. It won't work.

I suggest everyone take a look at this article title Myth of the Racist Cabbie (link). I already did once, and all I got was a sarcastic remark someone who obviously did not even bother to look at it.
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