Is now boycotting Ford
Published on June 2, 2005 By philomedy In Current Events
So you all know the AFA, right? We all love the AFA. They're those bastions of human decency that keep hyperventilating and yelling about "traditional values" going all to hell! We remember these folks now? Good.

They have a new thing going. They're boycotting Ford. For supporting gay organizations. Go to See for yourself. Here's the basic gist of the whole site:

"Ford is evil and bad and stupid because Ford is donating x amount of dollars to organizations that support the homosexual agenda."

Alright, I'm not even gonna get into what it is that they think the "gay agenda" is, although it seems to be mostly gay marriage which terrifies them to no end. Funny how "The Bachelor" and "The Bacholerette" continue to uphold their family values after absolutely no successes there, though, isn't it? Yeah, marriage is still sacred. And Barry Bonds thought it was flax seed oil.

But of course, what has to hit you most about this, is the hypocrisy. Ford is a corporation. Ford needs to make money. Are y'all ready for the shocker? GAY PEOPLE MAKE AND SPEND MONEY!!! So, here comes the next huge bit of insight: IF YOUR CORPORATION REACHES OUT TO THE GAY COMMUNITY, THEY MIGHT GIVE YOU THEIR MONEY!!! Oh, God, someone passed out there in the front row. Someone dump water on them. The shock, I know.

Alright, so here's where the hypocrisy comes in. Ford is not donating money to support gay marriage, Ford is spending money to support gay people buying Fords. And even if they were donating the money to support gay marriage, what does the AFA do when it donates money to or endorses political candidates? It's doing it to support an agenda. I guess you're not allowed to do that unless you're them, huh?

Oh, I just want to close with one of the gems from their site. And I'm quoting here:

"Ford's donations are not confined only to GLAAD. For years, Volvo has donated $500 to the Human Rights Campaign when a vehicle is purchased or leased."

Dear God!!! Not the Human Rights Campaign!!! They'll kill us all!!! If only they were giving money to Al Qaeda or Kim Jong Il or someone else unimportant!!! Not these Human Rights Campaign lunatics!!!

That is all. Damn, its been awhile since we've heard from me, hasn't it?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 15, 2005
the ford boycott was called off on june 7, 2005 Link

the following is a comment i posted to gordon's 'why im supporting the afa boycott' (i'm posting it here because it may help to add an additional layer of fog thus helping to impede determination of which side is the really awful hypocrite):

the ford boycott presents an unusual and somewhat amusing scenario. the organization ford is contributing to is an anti-defamation group. whether you agree with afa's stand or you don't, the afa and focus on the family engage in what a reasonable person would likely consider defamation.

so in essence, the afa's bitch with ford may as easily be it's funding anti-afa gays fight the anti-gay afa. there's a song title in there somewhere.
on Jun 15, 2005
so in essence, the afa's bitch with ford may as easily be it's funding anti-afa gays fight the anti-gay afa. there's a song title in there somewhere.

Yeah, but who's on first?
on Jun 15, 2005
The misunderstanding stemmed from your choice to make inferrences which, in this case, were mistaken.

They're obviously not irrelevant if they are what makes you appear petty and childish. If you just tell me what they are, this could all be let go.

...and everything else. There's no one line, the whole thing is a condescending attack. Surprise, you got condescending defense. I didn't have a problem with your tone, though, you seemed to have a problem with getting it handed back to you. "I'd just like to point out how civil the conservatives among us are being in this debate."Personally I think you handed us a third grade tone and got at least middle school back. If you want The Mclaughlin Group, maybe you ought to at least start out somewhere in the neighborhood.

I have a problem with being called names when I simply point out what I believe to be an organizations stupid actions. If you're making policy for the organization, then I suppose you have every right to personally attack me back. Otherwise, no.

If all one wants in way of discussion is a long string of 'attaboys,' that can be accomplished by liberal (pun intended) use of the blacklist feature.

Or constant bitching to administrators.
on Jun 15, 2005
pfft. If you want to be a fragile little flower and call the above an attack, then you have to accept that your blog was at least as belligerant an attack on the ideals in question. I agree with the AFA's stance, so I'm just as hypocritical and stupid, I suppose.

No one called you names, as you yourself admitted when you first flinched. If you want civil, be civil. Like I said, I didn't care, but you seemed pained by not getting more civility than you offered. Kiss it and make it better? Sheesh. NOW you need to be called names.
on Jun 18, 2005
If you want to be a fragile little flower and call the above an attack, then you have to accept that your blog was at least as belligerant an attack on the ideals in question.

Yes, ON THE IDEALS IN QUESTION. I didn't talk about you. Don't talk about me. If you wanna be defined by one ideal, I'm sorry. I would hope you think of more of yourself than that. If we're gonna talk fragile, lets look at who was offended without even being mentioned or addressed. Our petals bruise easily, don't they?

No one called you names, as you yourself admitted when you first flinched.

See why it's so difficult to be civil to you. You're unwiling to graciously accept someone's humility, instead choosing to use it to launch further attacks. How petty.

Kiss it and make it better? Sheesh. NOW you need to be called names.

Oh, so NOW I need to be called names. So you agree that I didn't need to be called names before. Sounds like someone flinched. Typical. Anyways, you wanna call me something, call me something. I don't need your little smokescreens or your insinuations. Don't toe the line like some indecisive buffoon. Either cross it or don't.
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