Is now boycotting Ford
Published on June 2, 2005 By philomedy In Current Events
So you all know the AFA, right? We all love the AFA. They're those bastions of human decency that keep hyperventilating and yelling about "traditional values" going all to hell! We remember these folks now? Good.

They have a new thing going. They're boycotting Ford. For supporting gay organizations. Go to See for yourself. Here's the basic gist of the whole site:

"Ford is evil and bad and stupid because Ford is donating x amount of dollars to organizations that support the homosexual agenda."

Alright, I'm not even gonna get into what it is that they think the "gay agenda" is, although it seems to be mostly gay marriage which terrifies them to no end. Funny how "The Bachelor" and "The Bacholerette" continue to uphold their family values after absolutely no successes there, though, isn't it? Yeah, marriage is still sacred. And Barry Bonds thought it was flax seed oil.

But of course, what has to hit you most about this, is the hypocrisy. Ford is a corporation. Ford needs to make money. Are y'all ready for the shocker? GAY PEOPLE MAKE AND SPEND MONEY!!! So, here comes the next huge bit of insight: IF YOUR CORPORATION REACHES OUT TO THE GAY COMMUNITY, THEY MIGHT GIVE YOU THEIR MONEY!!! Oh, God, someone passed out there in the front row. Someone dump water on them. The shock, I know.

Alright, so here's where the hypocrisy comes in. Ford is not donating money to support gay marriage, Ford is spending money to support gay people buying Fords. And even if they were donating the money to support gay marriage, what does the AFA do when it donates money to or endorses political candidates? It's doing it to support an agenda. I guess you're not allowed to do that unless you're them, huh?

Oh, I just want to close with one of the gems from their site. And I'm quoting here:

"Ford's donations are not confined only to GLAAD. For years, Volvo has donated $500 to the Human Rights Campaign when a vehicle is purchased or leased."

Dear God!!! Not the Human Rights Campaign!!! They'll kill us all!!! If only they were giving money to Al Qaeda or Kim Jong Il or someone else unimportant!!! Not these Human Rights Campaign lunatics!!!

That is all. Damn, its been awhile since we've heard from me, hasn't it?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 14, 2005
Actually they aren't condemning actions they themselves use. They aren't condemning the company for choosing to financially support a cause. They are condemning the company's choice of who they are supporting.

They are condemning a company for donating money to push what they believe is an agenda...remind me again what they donate money to do?

which just isn't the case and is twisting things a bit.

Really? Let's revisit some gems from the website since I doubt anyone actually went to it:

"From redefining family to include homosexual marriage,"

Really. Ford has the power to do that now, huh? Pretty soon they'll be rewriting the Constitution. Who's twisting things now?

"to forcing managers to attend diversity training on how to promote the acceptance of homosexuality,"

Yeah, I remember the last time I tried to buy a Ford...I had to sit through a 2 hour presentation about why being gay is alright.

on Jun 14, 2005
Why continue to perpetuate the lie about Spongebob? Because it sounds funny? Is your argument so weak that you have to lie to prop it up? That myth has been hashed out too many times for people to keep saying the AFA thought spongbob was gay.

I mention Spongebob once in but part of a sentence. You mention it in an entire paragraph, repeatedly. By your logic, your argument against mine is weaker than my initial one.

I have to wonder what the problem is with the AFA doing the same thing that all these other organizations do? Or is it the fact that you just don't like what they believe in? Should they have checked with you first?

They are condemning a business for spending money to push what they perceive to be agenda. That is what they do. That is hypocritical. That is my problem.

God, I wish I had a "see above response" button on this thing.
on Jun 14, 2005
They had a gay-lesbian kiss-off in front of a Disney Store in St Louis that I was unlucky enough to witness. They showed up en masse and proceeded to lock lips and dry hump each other right in front of the store's entrance, causing horrified parents to take little Suzie's hand and march her firmly in the opposite direction.Is the AFA picketing Ford, preaching hellfire and condemnation to anyone wandering onto their lots?Nah, didn't think so.

If we're going to turn this into a series of examples as to why the AFA or gay rights groups are stupid and hurtful to society, this is going to devolve into a series of one-upmanship that will never end.

on Jun 14, 2005
"So you all know the AFA, right? We all love the AFA. They're those bastions of human decency that keep hyperventilating and yelling and making everyone think that all conservatives think Spongebob is gay! We remember these folks now? Good.

It doesn't change the fact that the AFA never made such a claim about Spongebob, and to say they did is the same strawman, liar, stereotyping tactics secularist bigots constantly use when they want to mock someone they consider religious. It doesn't matter how many words you use, a lie is a lie.

They are condemning a business for spending money to push what they perceive to be agenda. That is what they do. That is hypocritical. That is my problem.

You can call them hypocrites, but then all the other protest examples given to you could be shown to be doing the same thing. Homosexual organizations have boycotted businesses time and time again. You choose to overlook them and keep banging away that this Ford thing is different. It isn't, YOU just choose to whine about this particular organization and overlook the rest. That to me is the textbook definition of hypocrite.
on Jun 14, 2005
What is so difficult to understand? It's the "agenda" the company is supporting they find objectionable, not the fact that the company is contributing to "some cause".

Ah, what's the use? Either some people are being intentionally obtuse, or they just can't understand the difference. Either way, the discussion is pointless.
on Jun 14, 2005
The original point defeats itself. He says that Ford is donating money to gay organizations, and then he says they aren't, that ' Ford is spending money to support gay people buying Fords'. The obfuscation comes from being a hypocrite but needing to twist the situation to seem that you aren't.

If Ford donated to the "Whales are Delicious!!" foundation, Greenpeace wouldn't be hypocritical to boycott them. I don't think the AFA is any worse for boycotting Ford when they donate huge sums to organizations like GLAAD.

Me, personally, I have no urge to send a single thin dime to GLAAD, nor would I want to enrich a company so that it is easier for them to do so. So, I'd opt to buy a different brand of car. For some reason that I am unable to understand, that is hypocritical.
on Jun 14, 2005
I'd just like to point out how civil the conservatives among us are being in this debate. The same ones that don't resort to childish and out-of-context techniques like name-calling. Lets see, so far I'm a lying, stereotyping secularist bigot, and being purposely stupid or just stupid. I gotta give it to Baker, at least his was creative. Mason tried to spice things up by using the word "obtuse," which Baker picked up on in a heartbeat (props for "obfuscation") but really, who's impressed with obtuse? Honestly. A 2 dollar thesaurus gets you obtuse.

And btw i'm aware Baker didnt actually call me a bigoted secularist but y'all already know my stance on the happy little smokescreens the conservatives here put up to be able to call names but say they didnt. And by the way, "Ford is donating money to gay organizations" and "Ford is donating money to support gay people buying Fords" aren't contradictory sentences. Ford is donating money to gay organizations, but not to support a supposed "gay agenda." Is it clear to everyone now?

That all having been said, I will admit that the original article was written in haste and I do see your point. (That comment being directed at Mason, who remains the only one here who remained civil long enoug to make a point. Kinda lost it in the end, but still, 3 responses must be a conservative record.)
on Jun 14, 2005
I calls 'em like I sees 'em. If you lie in order to stereotype a party so that your point will find more fertile ground, lying and stereotyping would be valid words to use, wouldn't they? So when Liberals accuse me of making strawman arguments I should be outraged that they are out of line...

And no, I wasn't calling you those things, I was pointing out that you were acting like people who are those things, which is a lot less then I generally expect from you. Sorry that I hold you to an unreasonable standard.

on Jun 14, 2005
P.S. What I get tired of is people who use an insulting and condescending tone in their blogs being irritated when it provokes the same in the responses.

Any one of us could be a member of the AFA, Phil. Ask yourself you started degrading whose values first.
on Jun 14, 2005
And no, I wasn't calling you those things, I was pointing out that you were acting like people who are those things, which is a lot less then I generally expect from you. Sorry that I hold you to an unreasonable standard.

Yeah, and you know I'm not buying that excuse from you all anymore. Maybe the first 3, 4 or 10 times it happened, but not anymore. I expected a lot better from you, as I do from a lot of the others who do it. Hopefully we can get past it like usually happens.

P.S. What I get tired of is people who use an insulting and condescending tone in their blogs being irritated when it provokes the same in the responses.

Any one of us could be a member of the AFA, Phil. Ask yourself you started degrading whose values first.

Where was I insulting or condescending? Where did I have any sort of attitude before y'all started in on me?

I could care less whose a member of what. No one here cares whose a member of what. Do you stop and think about the democratic contingent before you write something? No. You write what you feel. So do I. If it offends you, I'm sorry. The title gives away what the article's gonna be about. It was obvious, if you are/were a member of the AFA, that it was gonna make you angry. Don't read it.
on Jun 14, 2005
Perhaps you should look up the definition of the word obtuse again. One definition is "lacking in quickness of perception". Hardly the same as stupid, now is it? The word was chosen intentionally for that reason.

I chose my words not to impress anyone, but to communicate exactly what I wish to communicate. (Depsite your condescending comments otherwise)

In context, when a person repeatedly refuses to acknowledge a point, one can draw one of two possible conclusions. Either the person is intentionally failing to see the point (being intentionally obtuse), or they are incapable of seeing the point. Why they are incapable is irrelevant. You chose to read "stupid" into that.

I do not need to resort to insults, thank you very much. I am very much opposed to doing so. If a person can't even acknowledge a point made, there is no reason to continue a discussion.

I will, however, acknowledge that the first sentence of that post "What is so difficult to understand?" was expression of frustration in not having my point acknowledged. But hardly a personal attack or insult.

I will admit that the original article was written in haste and I do see your point. (That comment being directed at Mason, who remains the only one here who remained civil long enoug to make a point.

Thank you for that. A civil acknowledgement of the point made was all that was expected.
on Jun 14, 2005
"Where was I insulting or condescending? Where did I have any sort of attitude before y'all started in on me?"

OMG, your original artical oozes condescending and insulting from every pore. You "started in" on the original article, and then expected a rain of rose petals, I suppose?

"It was obvious, if you are/were a member of the AFA, that it was gonna make you angry. Don't read it."

And if you don't want the same in return, don't write it. Or don't allow comments. Or blacklist anyone you don't like commenting. Regardless, you started the whole critique of tone, and given the original tone YOU set it seems a bit hypocritical.
on Jun 14, 2005
Either the person is intentionally failing to see the point (being intentionally obtuse), or they are incapable of seeing the point. Why they are incapable is irrelevant. You chose to read "stupid" into that.

Telling my what you meant by "incapable of seeing the point" would go a long way towards ending that little misunderstanding.

OMG, your original artical oozes condescending and insulting oozing from every pore. You "started in" on the original article, and then expected a rain of rose petals, I suppose?

Again: Where? I already know you think I was condescending and insulting first. Point out where.
on Jun 14, 2005
Telling my what you meant by "incapable of seeing the point" would go a long way towards ending that little misunderstanding.

I think the meaning of someone being incapable of anything is quite obvious, don't you? It's really the reason(s) for being incapable that you inferred. You will note I did not say you were in fact incapable, only that I was forced to conclude that as one of two possibilities. A person can be incapable of understanding a point for any number of reasons ranging from a lack of intelligence, mental prejudice, personal background, lack of empathy, and any number of other possibilities. I saw no need to speculate on reasons as it was irrelevant.

The misunderstanding stemmed from your choice to make inferrences which, in this case, were mistaken.
on Jun 14, 2005
"Point out where."

You want me to quote the whole article? Title and all? Can't you scroll up? The whole thing is an attack on the AFA as an organization:

"They're those bastions of human decency that keep hyperventilating and yelling and making everyone think that all conservatives think Spongebob is gay! We remember these folks now?"

and their beliefs in terms of this issue:

"Dear God!!! Not the Human Rights Campaign!!! They'll kill us all!!! If only they were giving money to Al Qaeda or Kim Jong Il or someone else unimportant!!! Not these Human Rights Campaign lunatics!!!"

...and everything else. There's no one line, the whole thing is a condescending attack. Surprise, you got condescending defense.

I didn't have a problem with your tone, though, you seemed to have a problem with getting it handed back to you. "I'd just like to point out how civil the conservatives among us are being in this debate."

Personally I think you handed us a third grade tone and got at least middle school back. If you want The Mclaughlin Group, maybe you ought to at least start out somewhere in the neighborhood.
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