Published on March 13, 2005 By philomedy In Misc
Alright, it appears that certain people want to play a little game. That's fine. Philomedy loves games.

Let's play.

I will now bring forth a series of questions, which I want answered completely, without the use of the Bible as a reference.

Although it should be clear that I am writing this as a response to a specific article (and we all know what that article is), everyone should feel free to play. Games are fun, after all. So here goes:

1) Prove God exists. (without citing the Bible)
2) Prove the Bible is the Word of God. (without citing the Bible)
3) Prove that belief in God makes one morally superior to someone who does not believe in God. (without citing the Bible)

I think those are the three big ones for now. Anyone should feel free to answer, as well as to add any points that I have failed to make.

Humbly waiting for the roasting spit that certain people assure me is in store, I remain opinionatedly yours, Philomedy.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 13, 2005
1) Look at Natural Science, 2) 84 000 Church Fathers, The Divine Providence and Preservation of God, as well as the Aaronic Priesthood and the Priesthood of Believers. 3) Belief doesn't but going to my blogg help you to understand how to repent, that is if anyone gets to that point. Philomedy rules again. You just proved my simple hypothesis, Atheists are definitely intellectual cripples in the sense that they cannot even think of a decent title for their own articles. Everyone come and have better fun at : QUESTIONS JOEUSER BLOGGERS COULD NOT ANSWER....five.
on Mar 13, 2005
1) Look at Natural Science

Looking at it. Still looking at it. Continuing to look at it. It hasn't said anything. Perhaps you should elaborate.

2) 84 000 Church Fathers, The Divine Providence and Preservation of God, as well as the Aaronic Priesthood and the Priesthood of Believers

What about them? Again, elaborate.

3) Belief doesn't but going to my blogg help you to understand how to repent, that is if anyone gets to that point. Philomedy rules again. You just proved my simple hypothesis, Atheists are definitely intellectual cripples in the sense that they cannot even think of a decent title for their own articles.

Yeah, I believe in God. You would be well advised to remember that not everyone who disagrees with you is an Atheist. And perhaps the mental defective here is the one that cannot realize that my title was a response to yours, a way to satirize yours, and a way to get you here in the first place. Predictably, here you are. Philomedy does rule.

on Mar 13, 2005
3) Belief doesn't but going to my blogg help you to understand how to repent,

So far the only thing I understand from your blog is that if I disagree with you, I'm going to Hell.
on Mar 13, 2005
Philomedy, I would love to answer these question in detail but the space needed to do it would cram Joeuser to a standstill. However I would be happy to give you the links where you can view more than enough information to answer these questions. 1) http://www.doesgodexist.org 2) http://www.biblefortoday.org 3) I am not the boogieman. If you struggle with my links...search for Dean Burgon Society....you will know you are there if the President, not of America is Dr Waite. His sermons on the same subject are available in Mp3 format at http://www.sermonaudio.com I hope you will find this useful. I am not the boogieman.
on Mar 13, 2005
Philomedy, where did you come up with such a good name. http://www.biblefortoday.org - for question (2) Trust me this is a lot of reading, once you link to the Dean Burgon Society, but there is powerful evidence that many who have criticized the Scriptures with such vengeance would do well to engage. That is another story. I do not mind the heat, it is far better than what await the enemies of God. http://www.deanburgonsociety.org (This site is extremely radical - I have download the entire site, and love reading here, I wish I could afford to buy the Revision Revised, which is all the research of John Burgon, the primary defendant of the Holy Scriptures, his work is .....human, but a little closer to divine...j
on Mar 13, 2005
Philomedy, I would love to answer these question in detail but the space needed to do it would cram Joeuser to a standstill.

Summarize their points. There must be a thesis somewhere, tell me that. I'm not looking for massive details and paragraphs, I'm looking for you to tell me to look at something, and then to construct a continuous chain that leads back to the existence of God. If you can't do that, I just want you to leave me alone for not being able to do the same thing about the nonexistence of God.
on Mar 13, 2005
I am sorry that you are not prepared to make the effort, but if your soul is not precious to you then I guess you have less alternatives than you supposed. Come on make the effort, I did. I know that whatever i put here you are going to debate. This is far to brief a forum to provide you with that sort of evidence, plus it is just two clicks away. http://www.deanburgonsociety.org and http://www.doesgodexist.org
It is up to you now.
on Mar 13, 2005
1) A few years ago, the image of the virgin Mary was found in a blueberry muffin in Italy.

2) God told me that the bible is the word of god...I have independent confirmation.

3) Duh, if you believe in god, he will bless you and you'll have lots of cool stuff like Ford F150s and remodeled kitchens...this would certainly make you superior in every way possible. People who don't believe in god drive KIAs and have tiny kitchens with warped floors. Simple.
on Mar 13, 2005
He's asking you to explain... not to point to what others have written. Try and come up with your own thoughts instead of throwing back the thoughts of others.

Oh, and give up on the "if you don't agree with me you must be willing to go to hell" tact... it's too sanctimonius and makes you come across as a zealous jerk.
on Mar 13, 2005
TW... great answers!
on Mar 13, 2005
but if your soul is not precious to you then I guess you have less alternatives than you supposed. Come on make the effort,

You can't resist, can you? You had me fooled for a bit, I thought we were going to be civil from the first 6 responses of this exchange. My soul is in no danger, my friend. You think it is? That's fine. But notice that while I disagree with you, I have never said that you go against God, nor that you will go to Hell, nor that your soul is not a priority on your list. I have debated your points, never once purporting to know what your personal motivations are or are not. My soul is just as important to me as yours is to you, and I assure you, it is just as righteous, and just as destined to get to Heaven.

I know that whatever i put here you are going to debate.

If you show me proof, I will stop debating and agree. Ask anyone you wish, I acknowledge defeat when I have been defeated. Ask Moderateman. Ask Dr. Guy. Look at my article about Gay Penguins. When I am proven wrong, I recognize it and give up the fight. Prove me wrong.
on Mar 13, 2005
Philomedy, where did you come up with such a good name.

It's a combination of philosophy and comedy. I came up with it after reading the play "Striptease" by Polish absurdist master Slawomir Mrozek, who I feel perfectly combined philosophical ideas and comic situations in his plays. Thanks for asking, most people just assume my name is Phil.
on Mar 13, 2005
1) A few years ago, the image of the virgin Mary was found in a blueberry muffin in Italy.

Not to mention the EBay grilled cheese.

2) God told me that the bible is the word of god...I have independent confirmation.

Hearsay. From a witness that is conveniently refusing to talk to the prosecution.

3) Duh, if you believe in god, he will bless you and you'll have lots of cool stuff like Ford F150s and remodeled kitchens...this would certainly make you superior in every way possible. People who don't believe in god drive KIAs and have tiny kitchens with warped floors. Simple.

Hmm...maybe that's why my shower broke...
on Mar 13, 2005
If you were able to choose between talking to a Doctor of Divinity and a 2nd year beginner revel in religious studies which would you choose. If you were in a discussion in a pub and you were chatting about the existence of God, not advised you will more that likely be murdered. Point. You were initially chatting to the guy for local preacher, and in walked your old Science Teacher who mentioned he is no longer and Atheist, which would intrigue you more. Now the first person you will talk with is Dr Waite, at http://www.deanburgonsociety.org, and the Second is John Clayton at http://www.doesgodexist.org. I just happen to have his rather candid story on computer if you so wish I shall email it to you. Seriously, I have Grade 12 - Biblical Studies, I did a Bible College Course at the Assemblies of God, I cannot remember if I finished it. I have published three articles to Messiah's Highway http://www.delusionresistance.org , plus one by the late Dr Max Wertheimers book on Satan, and another of anonymous source titled, "Can a Christian be Damned" I am presently working on a really huge article which covers all of the stuff you want to know, titled 'The First Textual Critic' [satan]

In my last article I did come to a rather definite conclusion. Jesus always said to satan, "It is Written" one has to really have a deep think about this. It will challenge your next statement and any would be attackers....really think deeply...what is Jesus saying to a being of over 6000 years old who was according to Scripture, 2nd in command. I personally put very little stock in the words of men. I do so much prefer the words of Jesus first hand.
on Mar 13, 2005
In my last article I did come to a rather definite conclusion. Jesus always said to satan, "It is Written" one has to really have a deep think about this. It will challenge your next statement and any would be attackers....really think deeply...what is Jesus saying to a being of over 6000 years old who was according to Scripture, 2nd in command. I personally put very little stock in the words of men. I do so much prefer the words of Jesus first hand.

And once you prove that this was said, I will believe you. By the way, in checking out www.doesgodexist.org, I find it interesting, first of all, that it is "doesgodexist" (a question) and not "godexists" (a statement). In reading it, I find that it is a theory, not a fact. It seeks to disprove atheism by contradicting the laws of science. However, it is just as easy to contradict theism by pointing out that there were dinosaurs, and that there are planets, neither of which are mentioned in the Bible.
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