Published on February 27, 2005 By philomedy In Current Events

Allow me to present the gist of this article in lighthearted, dialogue form:

UNITED STATES: We want you to join us in a program we want to start whereby we shoot down missiles that come hurtling
towards us.
UNITED STATES: Fair enough. I guess it's just us deciding to shoot missiles down then.
CANADA: Oh, by the way, if there is a missile in Canadian airspace, you have to have our permission to shoot it down.
UNITED STATES: Come again?
CANADA: Well, you can't violate a sovereign nation's airspace, so you have to call us and ask if you want to shoot a missile down
over Canadian airspace.
UNITED STATES: What if the missile is coming towards us?
CANADA: Did we stutter?

(insert applause here)

(insert curtain call here)

This performance was presented, written, directed, and performed by Philomedy.

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