In other words, shut the #$*@ up
Published on January 13, 2005 By philomedy In Religion
I can't take it anymore. I'm horribly, terribly, incredibly sorry, but I can not take it anymore.

Every day, I wake up, and walk around, and hold my tongue, as I listen to person after person after person say that the Bible is this and the Bible is that and we should listen to the Bible because God wrote the Bible or God inspired the Bible or the Bible is God's word and that the Bible should be listened to and obeyed and adhered to without question and blah blah blah blah blah.

I cannot be silent any longer.

The Bible is a book (and a rather annoying movie). Harry Potter is a book (and a rather annoying movie). "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" is a book (and a rather annoying movie). Have we picked up on a pattern yet? The Bible is no different than these other two works of literature that have been mass produced and fed to a salivating public. Why should the Bible have the monopoly on controlling lives?

Wait, I hear some people saying that the Bible is non-fiction, while the other two books I mentioned are clearly fiction. To them I say, the Bible isn't non-fiction, it is speculation and rumor. It is the work of men (whom I believe the Bible says are imperfect) with biases, opinions, and beliefs. These biases, opinions, and beliefs are obviously going to affect anything that these men say, write or produce. These men wrote and produced the Bible. The Bible is affected by these men's biases, opinions, and beliefs.

But wait, some people are saying that these men were not affected by biases, because they were close to God, and He would only choose good men to pass His word down to, and He would make sure they picked good men to follow them, and so on and so forth. The problem with this argument is, of course, that it is based on an assumption, namely God. Some people would say that we know God is there because of the Bible. This is circular logic, however, because God is the very entity that gives the Bible it's authority. We know God is there because of the Bible, which we should listen to because God is there? This is like two murder suspects claiming to have an alibi because they were with each other when the crime was committed. There needs to be corroborating evidence.

Let me just clarify, at this time, that I have nothing against religion and belief. You could believe that we're all here because Tinkerbell waved her wand for all I care. My problem arises when you (the zealously religious) feel an absolute necessity to tell me that unless I blindly follow what you believe to be the doctrine of Tinkerbell, I will end up in Tinkerhell.

At this point, let me clarify the definition of knowledge for those who seem to think that they "know" that the Bible is God's word. To know something, you must have evidence in support of the thing that you supposedly know. For example, I know how to write, my evidence being that I am currently writing. Similarly, I know that Douglas Adams wrote "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," my evidence being his name printed in large letters on the front of it. However, I do not know that God wrote the Bible, nor do I know that God dictated the Bible to anyone else. Nobody knows this. Unless you either know God personally, or know the individual who wrote down the words in the Bible, you BELIEVE that the Bible is God's word. This article is my word. You know this because I am writing it. The Bible MAY BE God's word. It is not something that you can know.

If you cannot know it, it brings up an interesting point. I am always amused at the people who accuse me of "distorting" God's word to fit my heathen lifestyle, simply because I don't think homosexuality is wrong, or because I don't think that premarital sex will confine me to an afterlife of unbearable heat. I cannot distort something that is impossible for me to know. The Bible is open to interpretation simply because it is impossible for someone to sit down and talk to God and ask "So what were You saying, really?" Since this is the case, any interpretation of the Bible, including the one that believes it unconditionally, is a distortion, if that is the word you want to use.

I think that's all I have for now.

My name is Philomedy and I approve this message.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 13, 2005

What it all boils down to is Faith.  And you have it. But you call it knowledge like the religious zealots you so despise do.

You have FAITH that Douglas Adams wrote the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.  Since you did not see him write it, YOU DONT KNOW IT.  By your very definition.

You have FAITH that you can write, and you have some empiracal evidence to that effect.  But I dare say that a Nepalese would not have any proof you can write since they do not know English.

To you, I would leave this thought.  Take a chill pill.  Let the religious have their beliefs as you have yours.  While they cannot prove God exists, you cannot prove he does not. Kirkegaard called it a leap of faith.  I am sure you have read him?  Since you KNOW everything?

on Jan 13, 2005
To you, I would leave this thought. Take a chill pill.

Good prescription Doc...God Bless You!
on Jan 13, 2005
You have FAITH that Douglas Adams wrote the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Since you did not see him write it, YOU DONT KNOW IT. By your very definition.

I will grant you that this is faith.

You have FAITH that you can write, and you have some empiracal evidence to that effect. But I dare say that a Nepalese would not have any proof you can write since they do not know English.

Ok, I amend my sentence. I can write in English, my evidence being that I am writing in English.

To you, I would leave this thought. Take a chill pill. Let the religious have their beliefs as you have yours. While they cannot prove God exists, you cannot prove he does not. Kirkegaard called it a leap of faith. I am sure you have read him? Since you KNOW everything?

Why does every culmination of your responses boil down to "take a chill pill?" Perhaps you should do the same when liberals rile you up.

That being said, did you completely miss the paragraph where I said I have no problems with the religious having their beliefs? I put that paragraph in specifically for people like you who are compelled to call me intolerant and obtrusive. Does it do me any good to add that paragraph since you obviously skip past it, finding it contradictory to the response you want to give? You clearly misunderstood the point of the article. I don't have a problem with religion; I have a problem with people telling me I'm damned forever because I don't follow every sentence in the Bible literally.

And where have you ever seen me say that I know everything? Every one of your responses to me seems to have some sarcastic reference to me knowing everything. When have I said this? Are you responding to right person?

on Jan 13, 2005
Could I have a chill pill, too?

"The Bible is a book (and a rather annoying movie). Harry Potter is a book (and a rather annoying movie). "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" is a book (and a rather annoying movie). Have we picked up on a pattern yet?" Nice. I get so sick of saying this, and thinking this. Glad to hear someone else saying it.

"You could believe that we're all here because Tinkerbell waved her wand for all I care" Haha! Maybe then we could all live in Never Never Land.
on Jan 13, 2005
Prove to me that Purple exists or, in your own words, shut the #$*@ Up. ;~D

on Jan 13, 2005

Why does every culmination of your responses boil down to "take a chill pill?" Perhaps you should do the same when liberals rile you up.

That being said, did you completely miss the paragraph where I said I have no problems with the religious having their beliefs? I put that paragraph in specifically for people like you who are compelled to call me intolerant and obtrusive.

The Chill pill is so you do not bust a gut.  You are smart.  I do not deny that.  But you take even the slightest afront too seriously!  Life is too short to be constantly upset with those who you do not agree with.

And I did not miss it.  However you denigrate those who prosthelysize.  hell!  I dont like them either!  I run away!  But I dont bust a gut about them!  I let them live and condemn me to their hell (I am worse than you!  Shock!  I am Catholic!  Try being one in the south!).

My First Grands-in-law told me (no Joke) "I know some good Catholics and I know some Bad Catholics".

And while they were bigots, they were not violent and accepted me (after umpteen years).

And my 'Sarcastic' reference, probably is.  And for that I appologize.  You are very firm in your beliefs, and are not afraid to state them.  So it is wrong of me to say that.  I will refrain from it in the future.

You do know a lot.  But you do have a lot to learn.  If you are as intelligent as you apprear to be, you will keep on learning and growing.  Just try not to be so abrasive to those you do not agree with (not to me!  I have thick skin).  Like the others who only want to save your soul, God bless them.  We ALL have to endure them, but they do have your best interest at their heart, even if it is not really YOUR best interest.

Just remember that. 

on Jan 13, 2005
But you take even the slightest afront too seriously! Life is too short to be constantly upset with those who you do not agree with.

I can see how it would seem this way from my articles, but I'm really not like this at all. This article, in particular, was a rant set off by a very specific catalyst which I don't want to discuss. A rather lengthy and thought out rant, but a rant nonetheless.

However you denigrate those who prosthelysize.

I don't think that I denigrated anyone, and it was not my intention to do so. If this is how it came off, I apologize. My only wish is for them to stop telling me that their way is the only way, just as I refrain from telling others that my way is the only way. My way is good for me, I believe in my way, I believe it is right, but I don't think it is the only right way, and so I don't advertise unless someone asks specifically. I only want the same courtesy in return.

And my 'Sarcastic' reference, probably is. And for that I appologize. You are very firm in your beliefs, and are not afraid to state them. So it is wrong of me to say that. I will refrain from it in the future.

Thank you.

Just try not to be so abrasive to those you do not agree with (not to me! I have thick skin)

Point taken. And certainly no problem with the parenthesized bit either. I'm sure we'll spar again...

on Jan 13, 2005

Well, I had a lengthy reply, but Dr. Guy summed up everything I was going to post. BTW, I know your pain Dr. I am a Catholic in the South as well.


on Jan 13, 2005

My only wish is for them to stop telling me that their way is the only way, just as I refrain from telling others that my way is the only way. My way is good for me, I believe in my way, I believe it is right, but I don't think it is the only right way, and so I don't advertise unless someone asks specifically. I only want the same courtesy in return.

Uh, Philo, that is a pipe dream!  Sorry, even for me.  Just give them an excuse and turn them away. ( But I do profess a weakness for the Church of Latter Day Saints!  They are just too nice!).  They are going to be with us always!

on Jan 13, 2005

Well, I had a lengthy reply, but Dr. Guy summed up everything I was going to post. BTW, I know your pain Dr. I am a Catholic in the South as well.

Damn!  You are a Martyr!

on Jan 13, 2005
The Bible was written by fishermen and sheepherders; and everybody knows how they stretch the truth.....

My personal feelings are to believe what you wish, but don't try to push it at others.
on Jan 13, 2005

My personal feelings are to believe what you wish, but don't try to push it at others.

You are a wise man Bob!

on Jan 13, 2005
Just old enough to know better.
on Jan 13, 2005
My personal feelings are to believe what you wish, but don't try to push it at others.

Ah, but if I believe that it's important for me teach others about my religion, and you won't let me, isn't that a form of pushing your beliefs on me?? :~D

on Jan 13, 2005
Ah, but if I believe that it's important for me teach others about my religion, and you won't let me, isn't that a form of pushing your beliefs on me?? :~D

Everything is a Catch-22...
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