And I don't mean the candidates...
Published on October 27, 2004 By philomedy In Politics
So I'm doing my daily review of the news and I come across this:,1413,36~64~2488266,00.html

Now I know no one is actually going to go to the link, so here's the gist of it.

Apparently, there are Kerry supporters calling the families of soldiers and telling them their loved ones are dead. When the families say their loved ones are alive, the caller says that if they want them to stay that way, they should vote for Kerry.

This is the most disgusting thing I have ever read in my life. I do not care who you support, or how much, or how much you hate the other guy, you do not, under any circumstances, approach people whose families are serving our country to tell them that their loved ones are dead! In fact, you do not, under any circumstances, approach anyone and tell them that a member of their family is dead!

The Republicans are not to be outdone. However, their approach is unethical in a far less cruel manner. Apparantly, there is a group calling Republicans who requested absentee ballots, and are encouraging them to cast provincial ballots as well. If you're going to blatantly make a mockery of our voting system, why not put a dunce cap on the nation and make it parade around in parachute pants while whistling Dixie?

There are opinions cited in the article about how and why the actions I have mentioned are legal (not the phone calls, but certain other things the some Kerry supporters are doing.) My argument is not that they aren't. I just think they are ethically, morally, humanistically wrong. And this is a morality that has nothing to do with God or faith. This is simply coming from something I learned in kindergarten which they told me was the Golden Rule.

I guess gold isn't worth much anymore.

on Oct 27, 2004
Well, from the link you have posted, the claim is that someone trying to hurt the Kerry campaign is behind the call. It seems like an outrageously stupid thing for someone who wishes to gain support for Kerry to do. However, the person or group behind the call is sick, sick, sick. Words cannot express my disgust at such a vile and incredibly hurtful tactic.
on Oct 27, 2004
Reply #1 By: Texas Wahine - 10/27/2004 1:11:58 AM
Well, from the link you have posted, the claim is that someone trying to hurt the Kerry campaign is behind the call. It seems like an outrageously stupid thing for someone who wishes to gain support for Kerry to do. However, the person or group behind the call is sick, sick, sick. Words cannot express my disgust at such a vile and incredibly hurtful tactic

Lets stand this sick b**tard against a wall at sunrise. That'll fix em good!
on Oct 27, 2004
I'm normally all for the Geneva Convention and against all forms of torture. I say we peel this person's skin off before dropping him in a mixture of lemon juice and salt.
on Oct 27, 2004
Actually reading the article makes it clear that no one actually knows who, if anyone, is actually making these calls. Let's get real, here. You're an advocate for (choose one or more or none) Kerry, Bush, Nader, the Giant Pumpkin, ok. You want people to vote for your candidate, one would suspect. So, you do something utterly tasteless, cruel and disgusting to supposedly intimidate someone to vote for your candidate????

Does that make sense? Why not just cover yourself in excrement and then dash into a church during services and scream "vote for X, or I'll kill you all? Satan is on our side!" Boy, that'll get your candidate elected!

Whoever, if anyone, actually made such idiotic calls is simply a sociopathic lunatic. On balance, I would suspect a Bush supporter, but that's really only because I intensely dislike the way Bush is governing, as in trashing everything the U.S. supposedly stands for - the Patriot Act, for example. (I'm not a fan of the lessor of evils - Kerry, either.) It could just as easilly be a Kerry supporter assuming that most people would assume it was actually a Bush supporter. Or, it could just be a nut case who likes to stir things up and make the news.

In NO case do I think that this is the work of a bonafide campaigner for either Bush or Kerry. That would be simply nuts, and neither side is quite there yet, at least on that level.
on Oct 27, 2004
Heaven forbid once side use a certain Music service that is aired on television that uses Draft Cards with a certain SecDef's signature to get people to vote.

Dirty tactics are on both the left and right, thank Kronos for Badnarik.

Whether you take the 'right' path or the 'left' path neither is the 'correct' path.

on Oct 27, 2004
There is definitely no doubt in my mind that the true supporters of whatever candidate are people who know you don't mess with familial emotions in this way. Still, this furthers my belief that the sheer number of idiots roaming are streets should be enough to frighten us all.