Losin' it and losin' it and losin' it well
Published on June 18, 2005 By philomedy In Current Events
Alright, so we know Jerry Falwell, he of the raving lunacy? Good. We know the American Family Association, it of non-spongebob fame? Good. They've both lost it.

Falwell I won't really elaborate on because he's pretty much lost all credibility with me after "Spongebob is gay", but long story short he wants you to boycott Kraft for sponsoring the Gay Games. I'm sure the AFA wants you to do the same, although they aren't being so upfront. But anyways, let me hit y'all with a couple of numbers:

1) $12 million donated in conjunction with Coca-Cola and The Boys and Girls Clubs of American to fund a Youth Health and Wellness Initiative
2) $250,000 donated to food banks around the US and Canada
3)Partnership with Save the Children outlining a four year plan to build schools and donate money to education initiatives in underdeveloped nations.
4)Partnership with the Rainforest Alliance to preserve the environment while still supporting their independent coffee growers.
5)Ongoing association with the American Red Cross (and other organizations) to donate food, money and supplies to disaster areas.
6)The release of a new product whose proceeds will go towards childhood cancer research in association with Alex's Lemonade Stand.

To quote the esteemed Mr. Falwell "I don't think moral-minded Americans understand the potential power that we wield...I urge everyone to take a stand for decency by participating in this national effort..." and it goes on from there. This from the same man who says gay rights' activists whine about him being stuffed with hate like an overblown turkey, simply because they disagree with him. Of course, he then turns around and whines that everyone who doesn't support him is immoral and indecent, simply for disagreeing with him. Neither is perfect, but I'd rather be hate-filled than immoral and indecent, wouldn't you?

Alright, on to the AFA. They're throwing their fit about the Gay Games organizing parties at clubs for the athletes and participants to attend during the night. They also link to pictures of what goes on in gay night clubs. (As a side note, does it seem ironic to anyone that the AFA links to more images of softcore gay porn than any lewd pop-up ad that I've ever received? Just a thought...) So anyways, after perusing the "offensive" 3 photo spread that the AFA website displays after lots of rather serious looking red capital letters, I've established this: The photographs depict the exact same things that go on in every other night club anywhere. Shirtless men, dry humping, lots of rubbing and grinding...yawn. Go to a straight club. Go on spring break. Watch MTV. (By the way, another side note: the AFA doesn't seem to find lesbian pictures offensive...odd...)

So anyways, to recap: Apparantly the problem is not the gay games, its what goes on at gay night clubs. So, then, forgetting the fact that the same stuff happens at straight clubs and its okay, the problem has now gone from gay's "hoisting their lifestyle" onto people with PDA's to gay people convening in ENCLOSED, OFTEN FLAMBOYANTLY MARKED night clubs that it is everyone's option to avoid. Wow. Why don't we just bury them in underground pits where they won't bother anyone? Or better yet, tall towers. Did anyone see The Man in the Iron Mask?

But as balanced as the AFA is, I suppose we'll soon see their boycott of the Olympic games (which also seeks to foster an active social nightlife for the participants) and the World Cup (for which Germany is actually erecting a "sex village", a town of small huts where prostitutes can stock up on free condoms and food). I eagerly await the AFA's assault on the corporate sponsors of these events, as I doubt premarital simulated sex (homosexual or otherwise) and government sponsored prostitution falls in line with the AFA's "traditional values."

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 24, 2005
"Actually, nobody. The GAY community first presented Spongebob as a gay icon."

Very true. When I was writing my blog on it the searches turned up as many gay sites lauding the show. Now, though, all you get from google is pretty much "Fallwell said this" or "The AFA said that"...
on Jun 25, 2005
Don't overlook the fact that the people who oppose this kind of thing for homosexuals would almost always oppose HETEROsexual displays of sexuality like you describe at sports event, etc. They weren't angry about Janet Jackson's boob because they thought she was a lesbian.

Thank you, once again, for misrepresenting and trivializing what I said. Baker, you are really good at that, if nothing else. Janet's sexuality was not the issue. Comparing that event to society at large is so freakin' specious and disengenuous, and you know that.

Fact is, we see heterosexual, via sexual innuendos everywhere in society, from selling cars, to jeans, to candy. We see baseball players grabbing their crotches, even if it is to adjust the cups, but it's considered macho. We see exploitation of little girls via beauty pagents. Teens predominantly, making out in public with no one batting an eye. Heteros hold hands. They kiss. They exchange little acts of affection all over the place, and everywhere in public.

But, if a gay person does it, we get this bigoted outcry that they are shoving thir bedrooms in our faces. All gays want is the same freedoms of expression that everyone else in society has, along with equal protections under the law, which is also very lacking. And yes, landlords and employers deny homes and jobs to gays all the time, without any consequences. In fact, these kinds of attitudes condone such discrimination. People want to just be who they are. They aren't hurting anyone. They just want equal rights, not special rights. EQUAL RIGHTS.
on Jun 25, 2005
I defy you to show me ONE homosexual athlete in this era who has been excluded from their sport because of their sexuality. There's NOT one.

And, how would you really know that? I bet they are beaten out of the games at very young ages and in schools by their fellow age mates, who are just parrotting their parents' bigotry, so they never make it to the majors in the first place. Tell me, have you ever done any kind of research into this issue? Likely not, so your defy-ance is rather meaningless.
on Jun 25, 2005
I defy you to show me ONE homosexual athlete in this era who has been excluded from their sport because of their sexuality. There's NOT one.

And, how would you really know that? I bet they are beaten out of the games at very young ages and in schools by their fellow age mates, who are just parrotting their parents' bigotry, so they never make it to the majors in the first place. Tell me, have you ever done any kind of research into this issue? Likely not, so your defy-ance is rather meaningless.

How typical. You can't answer the question so you dance around it and make fun of it and the person asking.
on Jun 25, 2005
How typical. You can't answer the question so you dance around it and make fun of it and the person asking.

You are the king of idiotic responses. I guess ya gotta be good at something.
on Jun 25, 2005
Falwell lost it long before the Spongebob thing!! ;~D

As for the Gay Games. Since there are no rules against Gay people participating in the Olympics, the "Gay Games" is at best, mediocre atheletes who aren't good enough for the Olympics. Why promote mediocrity?
on Jun 25, 2005
The Negro leagues existed because African Americans weren't ALLOWED in major league baseball. I defy you to show me ONE homosexual athlete in this era who has been excluded from their sport because of their sexuality. There's NOT one.

I'd suggest you look at how many homosexual athletes have come out while actively participating in their respective sports. Once you do that, look at how many of them have been positively affected by that move.

Just because there's no law on the books doesn't mean there's not exclusion. Some of the most powerful rules in sports are the unwritten ones.
on Jun 25, 2005
As for the Gay Games. Since there are no rules against Gay people participating in the Olympics, the "Gay Games" is at best, mediocre atheletes who aren't good enough for the Olympics. Why promote mediocrity?

How would you know? Maybe its athletes unwilling to hide who they are in order to compete in the mainstream of sports culture.

And I suppose you support abolishing the special olympics and paralympics too, right?
on Jun 25, 2005
someone seeing american football for the first time might easily conclude it's a gay game.
on Jun 25, 2005
"Thank you, once again, for misrepresenting and trivializing what I said."

God, you are such an ass. I didn't misrepresent anything you said. You said the people that are up in arms about homosexual public displays of sexuality are tolerant of such hetorosexual displays. That isn't true. The AFA is just as intolerant of hetorsexual sexually-themed entertainment.

You need to stop playing the fragile flower, it doesn't serve you well. Whining about how I abuse you doesn't make your point for you, princess.
on Jun 25, 2005
"And I suppose you support abolishing the special olympics and paralympics too, right?"

No, since they need their own events to play on a level field. Homosexuals aren't challenged in any special way, are they?
on Jun 25, 2005
How typical. You can't answer the question so you dance around it and make fun of it and the person asking.

You are the king of idiotic responses. I guess ya gotta be good at something

Like I said! You CAN'T answer the question so you avoid it. Just for the record... I NEVER said your responce was idiotic, did I? "Can" you answer the question?
on Jun 25, 2005
someone seeing american football for the first time might easily conclude it's a gay game.

True. Some of the football players at my high school were messing with one of the male cheerleaders. He just looked back at them and said, "wait a minute, I hangout on the sidelines with the girls, you go out on the field and play with a bunch of guys... and you're calling ME a fairy?" ;~D
on Jun 25, 2005
... To put their sexual habits in the face of those who are uncomfortable with it, thats all. Its not civil.

But, if a gay person does it, we get this bigoted outcry that they are shoving their bedrooms in our faces.

Let's be truthful here. Gay people are just as varied as straight people in politics, religious belief, personality etc etc. So the problem with talking about a gay agenda is that there isn't one. There are agendas.

One agenda - let's call it the 'angry agenda' - is based upon putting "their sexual habits in the face of those who are uncomfortable with it." And the reasons for this are easy to understand. Here's a group of people that has been shat on for centuries. In England 'sodomy' was a capital offence for over three hundred years. Although western nations no longer execute gays, the 'death sentence' is still sometimes carried out by private citizens (cf the case of Matthew Shepard). Murder and violence are only the most extreme form of a lot of crap that has been visited on gays down the years, and it takes only an ounce of compassion and a smidgeon of imagination to realise what a legacy of RAGE that must leave. Of course wanting to hit back at the people you believe have inflicted misery on you is not a great strategy to advance your cause, but it is an understandable human response.

Another agenda - let's call it the 'timid agenda' - is about keeping a low profile and hoping that those who hate you will eventually change their minds if you don't rock the boat too much.

There are lots of other 'agendas' too.

For me, the best agenda is Classical Liberalism: we have to learn to live side by side without agreeing. That means at least establishing a level playing field. The thing that strikes me most about this debate is that it is not, at bottom, a rational debate [cf. David Hume: "reason is, and ought to be, the slave of the passions"]. Those in this thread who feel that homosexuality is wrong refuse to sympathise with a lot of genuine suffering and injustice, even to the point of denying it, because it doesn't personally affect them. Those who feel that it is not wrong cannot understand how anyone could feel otherwise. Whatever. Neither side is going to go away, so the (Classical) Liberal question still stands, "How can we live, relatively harmoniously, side by side without agreeing?"
on Jun 25, 2005
I NEVER said your responce was idiotic, did I?

No, I didn't accuse you of saying that. But, I said YOUR response was.
And is.

As for the question, there's nothing to answer. You were just, for whatever reason, I dunno...... you hate me because I'm a liberal ........, not happy with my reply to Gideon, so you made this rather meager attempt to challenge and denigrate me. And, as is so pathetically typical of you, you have absolutely nothing to say on the topic at hand. All you do is insult people.

I have some questions for you, drmiler ...... Why don't you tell JU your thoughts on Philomedy's original topic? Do you have any thoughts on the topic? Are you actually capable of putting coherent thoughts together? Because, until you do, you have absolutely no business coming in here and berating those who actually have made a point, whether you like the point or not. How about actually debating a point? Wow! There's a novel concept.......

I'm sorry Philo, to go so off topic, but this boy is getting way out of hand. May be closing in on needing to banish him to his own blog for a while, until he sobers up.
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