
Alright, we're in North Carolina, where a pastor at a Baptist church has told his congregation that he expects them to sign forms stating that they agree with his political and moral views. If not, they can kindly go worship somewhere else. After 9 parishioners walk out, the remainder of the congregation votes to expel them from the church entirely.

This nation is so united, it almost brings a tear to your eye.

The pastor says that he's going to give political sermons, and if some members of the congregation don't like it, they can leave. That's all fine and good, except for one thing: It's a CHURCH!!! You're going to give political sermons? What about giving religious sermons? Do you remember that part of your job? You want to give political sermons, run for office! Invite people over for dinner and tell them who to vote for then. Write an editorial to the newspaper. Take out a full page ad. Donate money.

But keep it out of the church.

I hope this idiot gets run out of town.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 12, 2005
You know, since you bring up Ted Kennedy, just a tidbit I thought I'd throw in here.

When we were in DC, my mother joined us for the trip. Because she is a HUGE fan of Senator Hatch's, she wanted to go to his office. We did, and prominently displayed in the foyer is a signed painting from Captain Chappaquiddick himself. While I'm not a fan of Hatch's, it was an interesting statement that these two, despite being on opposite sides of the political fence, are friends at some level.
on May 12, 2005

While I'm not a fan of Hatch's, it was an interesting statement that these two, despite being on opposite sides of the political fence, are friends at some level.

Sure, since Hatch does not drink, Kennedy gets his allotment {hic}.

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