Published on December 5, 2004 By philomedy In Misc
Alright, so this one's more for the women, but all comments are welcome.

It seems that every female that I speak to finds Carson Daly incredibly, fantastically, magnetically appealing. They like his "personality" and they like his looks. They like him!

I can't even begin to start convincing myself to think that maybe this man is attractive in some way. Not only do I find him visually average, I don't even see why he has a career. If there is marketable talent somewhere in him, it is hiding better than bin laden. Can anyone help me out with this? Am I just completely wrong? Wouldn't be the first time...

on Dec 05, 2004
well...he's not a bad looking guy...but incredibly, fantastically, magnetically appealing?? don't think so....I actually think his popularity got to his head when he was over at MTV...and that made him even less appealing to me lol
on Dec 05, 2004
Hell no. Not attractive. Way too metrosexual and not physically attractive.
on Dec 05, 2004 appears sanity still resides within some women
on Dec 05, 2004
THANK YOU! I'm so happy that you wrote this article as I have discussed this with many women. Carson is probably the most ordinary looking guy on TV, but that's the point...he's on TV. Celebrity status has this weird way of transforming ordinary people into those worthy of lusting after. Paris Hilton! My God! She's fucking hideous trailer trash! I could go on and on about this, but really I just wanted to give you my appreciation for sharing my pain.


on Dec 05, 2004
He is very average looking in my opinion and he comes off as whiney and needy to me.
on Dec 09, 2004
Way too metrosexual and not physically attractive

Well, Tex, I tend to like the metrosexual look, but Carson? No way. He's unattractive, boring, stupid, and does nothing on his show but cut his guests off. He only talks about himself and his relationship to his guests. He brings up times that the guest and himslef have hung out, or partied or whatever. It's like listening to an adolescent conversation about how hard they partied. He sucks, royally. The best Carson Daily show (Is it Last Call or something like that??) I ever saw was when he had Harvey Keitel as a guest. Harvey is so bad ass that Carson literally didn't know what to say. Harvey just kept shutting him down, and even called him on his talk about being from NY by telling him that he wasn't from NYC...! Haha. I loved it becuase I hate that little smug suckup. I've even take Ryan Seacrest over Carson, and believe me, I don't like Ryan Seacrest.

on Dec 09, 2004
I've even take Ryan Seacrest over Carson, and believe me, I don't like Ryan Seacrest.

I agree. Seacrest is also talentless, but at least I can see how people think he is good looking.